Where have I been? (Weekly Update)

I am usually really good about going to the gym but life just keeps getting in the way. This week I had a really important exam to do which means whatever I had planned (IG posts and Youtube channel) took a back seat. It is Saturday and my workout has been cleaning. I cleaned the kitchen (twice), the refrigerator, my room, the bathrooms and deep-cleaned the carpets. After this post, I hope I will continue cleaning even more so.

I am disappointed though because this week I was hoping to lose 2 lbs so I can finally say "I lost 40 lbs" but unfortunately I don't think I will. Although I have been active, I am not as active as when I am in the gym. Oh well!
I wanted to talk to you guys about something new I am doing on my channel. I am starting 3 new weekly series, where the schedule looks like this:

Monday: Monday-Weigh in!
Wednesday: Tips and Struggles of being in a weight loss/fitness journey
Saturday: Critiquing books and documentaries (about health)

I am really excited about the schedule & now that I got the important stuff out of the way I can. I am most looking forward to Saturday's series. I graduated with a Philosophy degree (yes, I know, not very useful) however I haven't found an outlet for it until now. Since I started to dive into philosophy, I can't watch ANYTHING without thinking about the message or the implications it has. There are many books or documentaries that I feel bank on ignorance and fallacies that I want to bring to light.

Thank you so much for tuning in today!
Chiseling my best self,



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