Did I gain weight? Let's talk about last week (+ post reaction) !!!!

I was overwhelmed by how many people reached out to me following my post entitled "This is how I looked like at 200 lbs." I did not expect anything at all. I don't get many people that react or respond to my posts. Only rarely do I get a comment or question but it is regarding what I am doing to lose weight. Nonetheless, I am very thankful. It took a lot of out me to put this because it is not easy to admit that I got good (or at least decent) at posting photos where I didn't look like my weight (aka didn't look fat).

Here is the weight loss update: I am writing this part on Sunday. I know that because of how I ate Saturday I will probably not lose any weight. I am confident however that next week I will finally reach that threshold that has been gnawing at me. I will finally reach 40 lbs lost.

As for now? I am going to change and head to the gym. I honestly miss it. I never saw myself as being someone that went to a gym, nonetheless, I now miss being at one. Tomorrow I will update this with my weight and my current thoughts.

So this is my Monday update: I was soo surprised when I stepped on the scale. I finally lost 40 lbs WOW!! It is truly an amazing day today! Anyways, below is the proof

Thank you for reading this!
Chiseling my best self,


  1. YASSSSSSSSS BABY. Congratulations on hitting the 40lbs mark. Hope You keep going strong Melegim ❤️


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