Let's talk FOOD!

Yesterday I went to the gym and just forgot to post but oh well! It is a new day and here is today's blog post.

This and the following week I am on what you may call a "maintenance" week, meaning that I pretty much eat specific foods for breakfast/supper but dinner is "free" as in I get to decide what to eat. Following my weight gain, I changed the plans of the food I wanted to make. Instead, I am eating what I normally eat (which is protein + vegetables). Today is meat with vegetables and soup! I am sure potatoes will be in the mix sometime this week because a huge sack of potatoes was purchased and I don't want them to go to waste. I have been getting questions from my friends that are following me about how I cook certain meats or how I make certain foods and I am considering starting a new page with just some of the things I make. They aren't anything special but I do cook things a bit different as I use little to no oil in my meals. I also don't add sugar to anything which is a bit hard to find recipes that do this.

As far as the gym has been going, I think this weight gain was the motivation I needed to get better. I am already committed to going to the gym every day but now I think I am excited again. I didn't make a weigh-in video like I wanted yesterday because I didn't want to upload two videos that were virtually the same within the same week!  So look out for today's video!

Chiseling my best self,



  1. Glad You are once again excited for the gym Babe. Keep at and be strong.


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