No gym today but it doesn't mean no working out!

Today I am not going to the gym! However, I am working out at home later. I keep making the gym one of the last things I do but I would really want it to be something I do early in the morning. Late at night, it feels empty and perfect to workout but after a long day, I just want to spend the rest of my day at home. 

As for today, we celebrated my brother's birthday and there are french fries and chocolate cake from Costco involved. The temptation is SOO high for me right now, I honestly want french fries really bad but I know if I do that I am just inviting the old me to come out and play. I haven't had any cake or anything bad but just know that I am constantly fighting for myself. 

I believe in my previous post I said I added in more weight, well I went from using a 2 lb dumbbell to a 5 lb and now to a 10 lb one. So far so good. 

It is a pretty chill Sat night with a few errands to run. Stay tuned for tomorrow! I have something to show you all. 

In Liberty,


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